My Straw structure

1.Straw Stucture Essay-Simplified Prompts Paragraph on what you were making!!

So me and my team were trying to build a bridge that is 8 ft long and be done in 2 periods using straws, tape and scissors. We had to work as a collective to finsih and have a longer and more stable bridge then the other groups.

2.Paragraph on a challenge or problem encountered AND how you solved or handled it?

The problem me and my group had was some other group stole the bridge that me and my group built.So we went to the teacher and asked him what to do and he told us to make a whole new project from scratch and that is exactly what we did and it turned out we had a better bridge

3.Another paragraph on challenge or problem encountered AND how you solved or handled it?

Another challenge that me and my group had to go through was our bridge wasn't staying balanced it kept falling to the ground.So me and my group had to overcome this obstacle by trying a different method by building from the top and the bottom and using less straws, and more tape to keep the bridge stable and it worked because our bridge was better and longer, than everybody else's bridge.

My innovation research

In your portfolio, write a paragraph about what you researched AND write a paragraph about what ONE of your teammates researched. Include links to the articles. HTML Link Structure: Click here

My Hex and Binary Table

What was my program supposed to do?

The program was supposed to make a column of different numbers but they all had to add to go to 17 but using different Number bases.All the numbers went up to 17 but in binary,10 based, and Hex and I had to the with a partner.

What happened during the coding?

My partner and I had to make these numbers and list them in columns together.So one person was the navigator and the other was the typer we would switch different times in the period so both of us could get a chance to do each job and after everytime we switch we had to give each other a high five for our good work.

How things went in general and/or how I felt about it?

I believe things went actually extremely well me and my partner did very good.We was on the same page and the same mindset and new what we had to do so pretty much both of us could've done it by ourselves but we worked together so we did things even faster and we developed off each other and did good at the end.

What is your program going to do?

My program is going to make an object shoot at your object of your choosing and you have to try to dodge the shots that the other object is firing at you.

How will your program work?

My program will have a sprite that is shooting at the object of your choosing and using the mouse comand to control the object of your choosing to dogde the objects bullets thats heading the operators way while the operators shooting back at them using a different command in scratch .

2B. What is one programming problem you ran into? How did you solve the problem?

I ran into not knowing one of the codes that I need to perfect my game in order to get a 4 on this project but I believe I can solve this problem by emailing my teacher for help if I don't figure it out for myself.

2C. What algorithm did you create?

I made a coding program that allows me to use the keyboard arrows to move an ellipse in any direction I want it to go when I choose so it can dodge the big fire balls heading in its direction.

Schedule Project

1.What was my program supposed to do?

So the program was supposed to do is display the days of the week and the classes we have the whole week and then we are supposed to make them look different or put them in different cordinates so that we dont get confused.

2.How did the program work?

The Program Worked only if you put them in the write places and the right days and if you made a mistake and put the wrong cordinates or code it will mess it up.

3.What problems/challenges were discovered?

Challenges me and my partner faced were we had an issue with placing of the days. so we had to make the screen size bigger and the schedule letters smaller.

4.How were the problems/challenges handled?

The problems were handled when we made changes to the screen size bigger and the schedule letters smaller and we also changed the Int size

5.Show text or a screenshot of a section of code (not the whole program) that is supposed to do something and explain what it does.

The image shows how The schedulw is seposed to look like and its sepposed to be stating every day of the week and the schedule for that day of the week and the class we have in those days. The Program Worked only if you put them in the write places and the right days and if you made a mistake and put the wrong cordinates or code it will mess it up.

Innovation Topic (pick2)

1.Write a paragraph about one of your chosen articles and explain what the computer program is doing?

I choose 3D printing because to me thats something i fid hight inters in. what this program does is that it litarely prints things into exitance except living creatures or pre living creatures.

2.Write a paragraph about ANOTHER of your chosen articles and explain what the computer program is doing.

I also choose Robotic surgery because it is something that can benefit our world majorly in the future and saves hundreds and thousands of lives.I say this because there will be less errors and less deaths during the process of the sugery.

The Program Worked only if you put them in the write places and the right days and if you made a mistake and put the wrong cordinates or code it will mess it up.

3.Explain how the innovation has an impact on culture, economics and/or society (use the words culture, economics and society so the grader is clear).

How Are Computers Setup


What problems/challenges were discovered?

problems that i discovered were putting the side of the lines. I say that was the issue because i had to find a way to move it over and it be on the edge without me having to change the whole shape also another problem is finding the spacing between the spaceships.

How were the problems/challenges handled?

i handled the challenges an the problem

Show text or a screenshot of a section of code (not the whole program) that is supposed to do something AND explain what it does.

Maze Program

The apprentice program's robot ended up off the grid after 3 moves because there was no barrier or a program where the arrow will return back to it's origrinal place after messing up. The forward block helped out us programmers out a lot because that allowed us to do a lot more without having to put together more blocks just to have it move forward. So if there was another time where my partner and I needed to move forward, we just had to put one block for the arrow to move forward, but if we didn't have the forward block we will have had to put together a bunch of blocks for the arrow to move once.

Smart Cities

The article that I chose today was something about smart cities. It is just saying how people will use data to help make our cities "smart". The cities are just going to have more tech so that things are more easily assesible. It is also so that the city is more clean and to be able to be at a sustained level.

The innovation has an impact on everything on the city because cities are not perfect at all and using the tech that people have, they can make the city more safer and a more easier place to live in.

Scratch Binary Code

You can turn binary to common based 10 numbers by looking at the numbers that have a digit in them and then when you know the amount the regular digit is and you add all the binary numbers by the digit and you will get your total 10 digit number.

you can turn binary into hex by counting the amount of numbers there are labled. that would be called a nibble you turn it by labeling or wanting to turn something into letters.

two problems that I ran into was knowing how to explain it to my partner without doing the wrok because he didnt really understand so i had to use a lot of time to do the work myself and let him figure out what to do because i coulnd explain.

Scratch Experiment Day 1

The program that I tried to create today in Scratch was just an alarm clock. It was pretty easy to choose an annoying sound to make the alarm clock because that was what we were doing in class the whole day. I just had to choose a certain noise that much people won't like, so that they would be able to wake up. Then I had to put it in a loop because the sound wasn't that long.

A problem that I encountered when making this program was to see if the sound was actually annoying. This was a problem because my computer didn't have any noise coming out of it, even after trying out all of the outputs. But the next day, I figured out that someone had block Scratch from having any noise coming out of it, so I can now resume choosing an annoying noise to wake people up. Some opportunities that I discovered when making this program was that I was actually able to combime some noises together to make a super annoying noise. I also figured out that I can remix noises to make even more annoying as if they weren't annoying enough.

Blocks that I used to help organize the complexity of my program was making my own block and having the program on it, so I don't have to put together a whole new code whenever I want this one noise to keep on playing. I just had to choose the block that I had customize, so that helped me save a lot of time. It helped with the organization of my program because then there wasn't just a bunch of random code around the whole page, but a few blocks that had a bunch of blocks inside them. So one of the blocks that I had was an annoying noise that I had and I had it on a loop with someone laughing and yelling.

Scratch Expirement Day 2

The program im trying to do is finish up my alarm clock. this timed i struggled a little bit more then the last time i say this because when i was doing the alarm clock i knew waht i was doing but i ran into my own self by talking to other people and not doing anywork and that made me froget what I was gonna add on.

A problem i have with this the program was still finding ways to put the arrows around the clock moving becasue it seems like there is a lot more i can learn about scrath before doing that. also like i said in the paragraph above i started talking and pretty much lost connection to my own work and just started getting off track and that cost me a lot of time that i could of been using to work on the project. I could solve this problem by probaly ignoring the destractions that my pear bring towards me and being silent and not saying anything to them so they dont respond to me.

Again I made my own blocks to make things easier for myself. you know if you want to get more work in you have to find ways to make your work easier and more fluent so i decided to maake my own blocks. so that resulted to me having better work and I got what i wanted out of it.

Factorio Project Day 1

What happened today in this program was that we got introduced to a game named factorio and we had to be able to make our own living situations on a planet where you are left with only left with building materials and trees and water and with all that you had to build a place you can survive.

Factorio Project Day 2

A problem I had was trying to make a steam engine and a boiler so i had to go to the website href " Website TitleOfficial Factorio Wiki" and i ended up finding out in oder to do that i had to place the items near the water so that it was able to take the water and then later turn it into steam and make power.

Factorio Project Day 3

A desighned I created on factorio was I made was a conveyor belt that automatically transfered coal and iron and stones into some of the objects and tha lead to me being able to get unlimited or a lot of iron and coal and stones which help me build or get to the part where i can make electricity.

Factorio Day 1

So for the First day of factorio I was just trying to do the basics which are setting up my burner mining drills and bulding guns and a axe so I can defend myself. After I made that i was able to get more coal and more iron do to the drills i set in place and the burners.

Factorio Day 2

So day of Factorio I was able to reseasrch how to make energy and after I made energy I then went to create or build boilers to be able to build steam engines and after I built the steam engines I started getting attacked by the enemies because I had to much anergy and I started polution. So I learned that i cant polute the air too much or my base is going to get attacked

Factorio Day 3

Today I had to find a way to make electric mining drills so I can be able to get more recources I found that if I was to do that my building would be way faster and it would be easier toget recourses and it wouldnt be a problem worrying about running out of materials so soon.

Factorio Day 4

So today I made more electric mining drills and it made my functions a lot quicker I also put up electric poles so i can transfer energy from one part to another part so I can power my mining drills and get them working.

Grading Day

So today instead of working on factorio to upgrade my portfolio i vonlentered to help the teacher grade the quizes that the class took and as i was going through the quizes i was suprised as to how a lot of people got the same questions wrong.

Tic tac toe:

New Ball Project Day 1

UML design Part 1

UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. UML is used by software engineers to present things in a more organizable and accruate fashion.Different diagrams are used for UML. Classes and subclasses are examples of UML daigrams .